Pebble Painter

Can’t pin down exactly when all this began, but for sure it was a result of the lockdown period when my daughter found herself spending long periods of time indoors — like so many others at that time of course. I recall having gifted her a set of special artists’ markers, and after having tried them out on an old jacket, a couple of picture frames and all the traditional artists’ mediums, such as good old paper, she then finally turned to pebbles as a new surface for her imagination. And here are a few of the results for you to see.

They went down a treat as little ‘charms’ at the Christmas market where we had a stall last December — at €2 each she certainly didn’t make a fortune, but most definitely got a good deal of satisfaction from knowing that they were popular as little stocking fillers. Might be a good idea for school fundraising sales… scouts, church fetes etc.

Why not try these out with your own kids or grandchildren? Here is a list of what we have used, though you can experiment as you like of course.

  • Pebbles or small smooth stones — wash before you begin painting
  • Small wooden discs are a good alternative
  • Acrylic colours in any shape or form — certainly as pens they are easier to handle.
  • Vinavil glue or similar to finish off and protect the painted pebbles. A clear varnish would also be ok. Vinavil dries as a transparent surface.